Thursday, September 29, 2011

Camera Manual Questions

1. The memory card goes in the bottom of the camera inside the battery cover. You remove the battery cover, slide the card into place, and then place the battery cover back on.
2. You open the LCD monitor or you press and hold the power button for 1 second.
3. The record button is on the side of the camera in the middle.
4. The Zoom is right above the recors button, on the side of the camera in the middle.
5. Press the MODE button and then use the joystick to move to the "my works" mode. Or press the play/pause button on the left side of your LCD screen.
6. Press the menu button.
7. Night shot, flashlight, and effect.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Opening Activity

1. Establishing shots.
2. A wide shot gives an overall feel for the setting and surrounding.
3. A Medium shot give less setting with more detail. It lets you focus on a specific area.
4. A Tight shot (close up) gives lots of details.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Opening Activity

1. A sound bite is a piece of audio that can stand alone.
2. B-roll is a lot of footage shot to help enhance the interview, but only some of it will be used.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Name: Lauren Lewandowski Date: 9/27/11

Topic: Dance Tech Show

Angle: Dance Tech goes Boy Band

Script IN (for anchor):  The dance department is gearing up for the first dance show of the year, with a theme that is sure to make you want to get up and dance along. Lauren went down to see what all the buzz is about.

Opening line: If you have walked by the dance department lately, you may have heard an old favorite from the 90s. Dance Tech is going crazy for boy bands to kick off their first dance show of the year.

1st Interview: I think that the theme of the dance show is awesome. It's a very good idea and it will be alot of fun bringing back the old school pop music and style of dance! I think the boys will really like this one too, especially with all the dance moves!

Segue: This theme of the dance show sparked interest in many people, the die-hard boy band fans.

2nd Interview: My favorite boy band has always been the Backstreet Boys. I don't really know why though, I guess I've just always loved them with their music and all their dance moves!

Segue (Stand-up): For many dance tech 1 students, this will be the first time they have ever performed on a stage in front of a crowd.

3rd interview: As the teacher, my favorite part of the dance shows is watching dance tech 1 perform. I'm always very curious on how they will do, because i will admit that if you haven't ever been on a stage before under the hot lights and in front of a crowd, its pretty nerve racking! But they always seem to pull it off no problem, so I'm excited to see how this year goes in comparison!

Close: Good luck to everyone in the upcoming show, I'm sure this will be a fun one!
Reporting for the Flash, I’m Lauren.

Script OUT (for anchor): Thanks Lauren. Be sure to check out the dance show in early November for all your dancing and/or boy band needs.

Extent of damage to the Washington Monument to be revealed

1. The topic is the Washington Monument and how the earthquake affected it and what needs to be done before it re-opens to the public.
2. Monument damaged by earthquake.
3. Unusualness, timeliness, prominence.
4. Well, you would definitly have to shoot footage of the monument and maybe some just around Washington DC.

Friday, September 23, 2011

"The Boys of WInter"

1. His standup was when he was sitting on the bleachers with the fans.
2. In the middle o your story, because the standup is a good transition from one loacation to another.
3. 3-5 main key points.
4. the age of the team members, how in shape Bakewell is, how many years they have been playing

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Minneapolis wants $30 million if Metrodome sold

Minneapolis officials want at least a $30 million piece of the Metrodome's value. This move would significantly cut into the money being used on to help build a new Vikings stadium in Arden Hills. In a letter that was sent to Gov. Mark Dayton on Monday, city officials said that Minneapolis had rights to the proceeds of the Metrodome that should not automatically be used to help build a new $1 billion stadium in Ramsey County. City officials said that a state law provides that Minneapolis and Hennepin County are due $5 million should the Metrodome be sold, but added that the city also had poured many millions more into the facility, including nearly $16 million in revenues from liquor and hotel taxes alone.

I think that they shouldn't use the money from the Metrodome to build a new Vikings stadium. The Metrodome is the Metrodome and the Vikings aren't the only ones that hold events there, so I think that it would be unfair if they would take money away from the other groups that hold events there for their own selfish needs just to build a new stadium that they really don't eve need.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Topic: Preparing for the Dance Tech Show

Angle: Dance Tech goes Boy Band

Interview Questions
1. What do you think of the theme of the dance show?
2. Do you have a favorite Boy Band? Why?
3. What do you think of the dances that you are participating in the dance show? Favorite one?
4. What is your favorite part about taking dance tech?
5. What are you looking forward to most/what are you most excited for with the dance show?

The Great Pumpkin Shortage

Thanks to Tropical Storm Irene and a stormy summer, there are high reported shortages in pumpkins across the Northeast. Bad weather conditions have led to higher numbers of rotten vegetables this year. This means that pumpkin seekers could be paying double for their Jack-o'-lantern canvases in some places and, in others, they could be out of luck entirely.

I would say this story is in the unusualness, timeliness, and proximity catergories.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ruby Bridges

Ruby Bridges, at just the age of 6, was the first African-American child to attend an all white elementry school in the south during the 1960s. Six students were chosen from a group; however, two students decided to stay at their old school, and three were transferred to another school. Ruby was the only one assigned to her school. She attended William Frantz Elementry in New Orleans, Lousiana.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Car drives into Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis

I find this story interesting, because I have personally been to Lake Calhoun and have driven around it many times and have probably driven on the hill that this car took down into the lake. It amazes me how people and be so careless while driving, especially at night. My guess is, this woman was under the influence of alcohol or was coming home from a long-night party somewhere.

I would say that this story is definitly in the unusualness, timeliness, and the proximity category.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Jonesboro Shooting

What Happened?
One of the two boys who were the shooters, asked to be excused from his class, pulled a fire alarm and then ran to join the other boy in the woods100 yards away from the school's gym. As the students streamed out of the building, the two boys opened fire and killed four students and a teacher, as well as having ten other children wounded.

Who did it?
A 13 year old boy named Mitchell Johnson and an 11 year old boy named Andrew Golden.

The reason why they did it, is unknown, but both kids had been raised around guns their whole lives. They also both belonged to gun clubs and practiced shooting them veryday at human-like targets.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Father Charged With Abuse For Tossing Son Off Boat

A southern California man allegedly threw his 7-year-old son overboard during a harbor cruise this past August. He was charged Wednesday with felony child abuse and endangerment as well as misdemeanor resisting an officer, police say that the man was under the influence of alcohol.

I think that this is just insane how parents would do this to their own kid. This also shows just how much being under the influence of alcohol can affect your judgement, and keeping you from doing something that you might later regret.

I would say that this story is in the unusualness category, because stuff like this doesn't really happen everyday. It's also timeliness, because the man was just charged.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Baby Dumped in Mississippi River Now Has a Name

Investagators have named a baby girl that was found floating in a river near Winona on Labor Day weekend. They named her "Angel" after they discovered three tiny porcelain angels among the items placed inside the bag with her. In the bag was also a t-shirt and a glass necklace. Investigators are trying to determine the baby's identity. They are hoping that someone will recognize the items, and help locate the baby's mother. They believe the mother gave birth unassisted, and may need serious medical attention or mental health resources. The investagators are also waiting on autopsy results to determine how exactly the baby died.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Response to video gaming Google

With Google's new social network, they announced that they were adding a new gaming platform. With this, many people who use Google's socail network will get to not only play games, but play games with friends while chating at the same time, something similar to what Facebook already has. To me, this article makes Google's new social network sound just like facebook, just with the gaming variety slightly different. It doesn't really sound like anything special that I have to try right away, because I can just do it on the Facebook that I already have. I think maybe I'll just stick with Facebook and use Google for it's original use, a search engine.

Monday, September 12, 2011

September 11 memorial opens to public

The national September 11th memorial opened to the public on monday, a decade and a day after terror attacks brought down the twin towers of the world trade center in New York City. The memorial opened a day early on sunday for the families of victims and those who attended the commemeration service at ground zero. The finished memorial plaza is in a calm spot in the midst of a busy construction zone for 1 World Trade Center, the new skyscraper rising above the site. The main parts of the memorial are a pair of square granite reflecting pools, "voids," as designer Michael Arad calls them, that plunge down into the earth. Located on the footprints of the old twin towers, they're open-topped cubes. Their walls are in dark granite, surrounded by brass parapets engraved with nearly 3,000 names: those killed on September 11, 2001, in New York, Washington D.C. and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, as well as in a 1993 attack on the World Trade Center.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Eagan man’s sentencing shows slavery persists in Twin Cities

Five illegal immigrants, men from Mexico and Guatemala, were living in the basement of a home in Eagan for months. In that basement, they had only bits of carpet  to sleep on, only the blankets they'd brought with them into the country to stay warm, and there was no kitchen, no heat and, except for in the very beginning, no pay. They had been here working in the Twin Cities as siding installers for around four months in modern-day slavery, forced to keep quiet by their employer's threats to call the police and have them deported. Last Wednesday, Joo Ok Kim, 62, was sentenced to two years in federal prison for "harboring and concealing aliens." He pleaded guilty on Aug. 18 in a case that began March 28, 2009, when the police received a call that led to his arrest.What the five men went through is one of the more common forms of human trafficking, now days. In the Twin Cities, several hundred people are estimated to be living in mondern-day slavery.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Partner Stories

Emily Anger is the all around girl. She can act, write stories, speak well in front of people, and sing, quite well too! Which is why one of her favorite things to do is to sing karaoke with her crazy friends.

Emily Anger is the perfect all around girl.

She does it all.

Minnesota Town Honors Fallen Soldiers One Street at a Time

 A tradition in Appleton dating back to World War II. When a solider falls in battle, a street is renamed in their honor. As a result of this, all of Appleton's 36 streets and avenues are the names of young men who fought proudly for their country, but never returned home. With September 11th right around the corner, the towns fallen heros, some involved in the attacks, will be remembered.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Partner Story

Emily Anger is a sophomore at Eastview High School where she is involved in speech, choir, the theatre, and is a writer for the newspaper. Her favorite class is english, becuase it comes easily to her, while her least favorite class is science, becuase she thinks its the most challenging. In her spare time, shes loves to hangout with her crazy friends and sing karaoke, infact her hidden talent is that she can sing, and quite well too! the best trip EMily has ever been on was when she went to Italy and met her crazy Italian relatives for the first time. She loved it so much that she really wants to go back, and even learn the language.